A Community that Values & Supports Our Nonprofits.

The Mercer Island Community Fund (MICF) is a 501(c)3 organization. The MICF considers application from organizations that benefit the Mercer Island community in the following categories:

  • Arts and Culture

  • Environment and Conservation

  • Community Development

  • Recreation

  • Social Service

  • Health

within the meaning and limitations of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.

Priority for funding will be granted to programs that serve the needs of the Mercer Island community at large. Grants are not made for religious purposes, political purposes or to projects that discriminate against any protected class as defined in RCW 49.60.180.

Applications for grants must be submitted by February 15th to be considered for April award distributions. Grants generally range from $500-$5500. The Grants Committee and the Board of Directors meet annually in March to consider grant applications. Grants submitted after February 15 may be considered on a case-by-case basis and will require special Board approval for funding. 

Grants from the Fund may be used to match or supplement other grants. The Fund will consider supplemental funding to established organizations for special projects not funded by other sources. Initial funding assistance for new organizations and projects will also be considered. 

The MICF bylaws require that the recipient acknowledge a grant with a receipt and written account to how the funds were expended, including an evaluation or measurement of the impact of the grant. A written financial and progress report must be made semi-annually until the grant is expended. Renewal of funding is contingent upon progress and final reports for each grant period.

2 steps to apply

  1. Check and accept the Grant Requirements

    In order to apply, applicants must follow the grant requirements below

    • Funds must be used for the purpose stated in the applications. Any changes in the scope of the project must be approved by the Fund. 

    • Recognition of the Fund’s grant must be made in all advertising and publicity related to the activity for which the grant was made and must be displayed or announced during the program event. 

    • If, for any reason, the funded project does not proceed within the stipulated time limit, all funds must be returned to the Mercer Island Community Fund.

    • A written comprehensive report on the funded activity must be submitted to the Fund within thirty (30) days of the completion of the project.  Grantees are required to complete the Grantee Final Financial Report Form (with a link) with their written report.

  2. Complete the Application Forms

    Ready to Apply!

    • Grant Application Outline

    • Grant Application Budget Form

    • Grantee Final Financial Report Form