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The Mercer Island Community Fund (MICF) recognizes the need to support all members of our community through grant making and community connection. This directory is a resource for Mercer Island community members who want to get involved with mission based organizations. The community organizations listed here are actively seeking engagement with all members of the community to participate in their mission, and have agreed to the statement below.

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Mission: To inspire & enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

Volunteer Opportunity: Coaching, mentoring, tutoring, supporting staff

Board Member Opportunity:
Board Members serve a 3 year term. Board Meetings are monthly (Sept - June) for 1.5hrs. Additionally, each CAB member should plan to attend and donate to at least 1 of the Boys and Girls Club King County events (Lunch Break or Kids Auction). A financial ask for each CAB member is to contribute a personal donation of your comfort level to one or more Boys and Girls Club fundraisers as well as personally contribute $100 annually towards CAB-staff engagement and appreciation activities.




Organization Description: At CCMI, we are a welcoming and open community inspired by inclusive beliefs and progressive values on a journey of compassion and justice.

Membership Opportunity: Membership in our church is by covenant -- a pledge to join us on our spiritual journey and participate in our church life. We do not require adherence to any specific set of beliefs, and we value the theological diversity among our members. Financial contributions to the church are left to the individual's discretion.

Volunteer Opportunity: We have many partners in the community, and we welcome their support. Examples include involvement in the performing arts, participation in our climate action work, and on-site maintenance projects.

Board Member Opportunity: Our Council is made up of the chairs of our church committees -- Worship & Arts, Social Outreach, Spiritual Care, Fellowship, Communications, and Stewardship. The Council meets monthly for 90 minutes and terms are for one year. No financial commitment is required other than being a supportive member of the congregation.




Organization Description: Scouting is a family-oriented activity that develops character, leadership, communication skills and good citizenship all in a fun and active setting.

Membership Opportunity: Information about how kids Kindergarten through 5th grade can join is available at Dues for the entire year are $125 and financial assistance is available.

Volunteer Opportunity: Leadership qualities include administrative and organizational skills, outdoor activities, and community service. Commitment is 1-5 years. Regularly occurring activities include at least a one hour meeting per month; no additional financial commitment aside from paying scout dues.



Organization Description: The Fine Arts Advisory Council promotes and preserve the performing and visual arts available to all students on Mercer Island K-12.

Board Member Opportunity: Leaders are interested in supporting the fine and performing arts in kids of all ages. Board terms are 2-5 years with meetings once a month, with an extra meeting or two in preparation for our annual fundraising event, Fine Arts Showcase, usually held in the spring.


Website: Mercer Island Fine Arts Advisory Council - Home (


Organization Description: Support a natural park free to all.

Membership Opportunity: $15 for individuals and $25 for families

Volunteer Opportunity: Environmental work parties aligned with Mountains to Sound and Earth Corps.

Board Opportunity: Support Mercer Island Parks and Luther Burbank Park in particular. Board participation does not have a term and the group meets as needed.



Organization Description: The Island Park PTA strives to support and enrich our children’s academic and social education experience. Objectives for accomplishing our mission include: developing and fostering programs that enhance the curriculum; raising funds for learning support, curriculum and enrichment programs and parent and teacher support; Assisting families by offering resources and opportunities to discuss important issues affecting the school and our children; providing and encouraging volunteer opportunities in the classroom and through extracurricular activities; building a close community by hosting events and programs that bring families and staff together; creating awareness of legislative issues regarding children and education, supporting legislative efforts, speaking on behalf of children before governmental agencies and other key organizations, and providing a forum for members to contribute to policy development.

Membership Opportunity: All parents with children enrolled are invited to attend meetings and events regardless of membership status. Joining as a member is $30 per year.

Volunteer Opportunities: PTA is always looking for event and program chairs, room parents, and day-of event support.

Board Opportunity: Board terms are one year for elected roles, open ended for appointed positions. Board members should have a passion for engaging our school community and enthusiasm for volunteerism. Board meetings occur monthly; general member meetings occur once per quarter. Responsibilities and time commitment are dependent on each specific volunteer role which vary widely. If membership fees are an obstacle to participation as a Board member, consideration is available based on individual circumstances.




Organization Description:To serve the needs of our members in promoting the health, welfare, safety, and education of our IMS community and to enrich the lives of all students.

Membership Opportunity: All parents with children enrolled are invited to attend meetings and events regardless of membership status. Joining as a member is $30 per year.

Volunteer Opportunity: We are always looking for volunteers to serve on committees and to help plan and host events.

Board Member Opportunity: Elected board members serve two year terms. Skills needed for different board positions are: finance background, familiarity with managing websites and communication platforms, professional or volunteer experience in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Each board member must be a member of the IMS PTSA. The board meets monthly to discuss current school events or advocacy needs, review the budget, review grant requests, and review and develop programs. If membership fees are an obstacle to participation as a Board member, consideration is available based on individual circumstances.


Website: Islander Middle School PTSA - Home Page (


Organization Description: Lakeridge Elementary PTA strives to support and advocate for our children by partnering with staff, families, and the broader community to create a safe, healthy and engaging learning environment.

Membership Opportunity: All parents with children enrolled are invited to attend meetings and events regardless of membership status. Joining as a member is $30 per year.

Volunteer Opportunities: We are always looking for volunteers to serve as project/program chairs, help plan and host events and day of support. 

Board Opportunity: Board terms are one year for elected roles, open ended for appointed positions. Board meetings occur monthly; general member meetings occur once per quarter. Responsibilities and time commitment are role/project dependent and can vary. Aside from a current PTA membership, there is no financial commitment for board members. If membership fees are an obstacle to participation as a Board member, consideration is available based on individual circumstances.  


Website: Lakeridge Elementary PTA - Home (


Organization Description: Our mission is to support and foster the growth, development and advancement of the businesses of Mercer Island while promoting Mercer Island as a special place to do business, live, work and play.

Membership Opportunity: The Mercer Island Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization comprised of businesses and non-profits doing business on Mercer Island and who have a vested interest in supporting Mercer Island’s business ecosystem. Businesses range from small home-based businesses to restaurants, retail & fitness, to financial services, medical providers, real estate, legal and more. Membership dues are collected yearly and depend on the size and category of your business. For more information on joining the chamber please visit our website.

Board Member Opportunity: Our board members are generally business owners or managers, and run or manage a business located on Mercer Island, or have a vested interest in doing business on Mercer Island. Marketing, fundraising, and financials are important attributes to have in our board makeup. Small, medium or large business people are beneficial to our board and an array of business categories representing our board is important. Our board term is 3 years, with an option to extend. Our meetings are held 1 time a month, generally from 7:30am - 9:00am, and via Zoom until further notice. We have committees in membership, finance, marketing and events. There is no financial commitment to being on our board, except maintaining your Chamber member dues, which are billed yearly and are based on your business size and category. We do ask that board members be chamber members for a least one year before serving on our board of directors.




Mission: The Mercer Island Community Fund’s mission is to benefit and serve the residents of Mercer Island by receiving, investing and distributing funds to support community goals and interests in the areas of social welfare; arts and culture; recreation; health and rehabilitation; environment; education; community development; and other charitable needs.

Leadership Opportunity: We are seeking volunteer board members to serve three-year terms. We meet on weekday evenings approximately 8 times per year as a board (we usually take summers off) in addition to smaller committee meetings throughout the year. We have lots of fun getting out into the community to spread the word about the Community Fund and we provide plenty of opportunities to get more involved in the MI community. We are specifically seeking community members with any of the following skills: webmaster, legal/attorney, marketing, database management specialist, social media expert, fundraising, and strong connection to MI schools. There is no minimum financial commitment for board members; although we do ask each board member to make an annual donation that is meaningful to them.

Contact: email:

Website: MICF (


Organization Description: Mercer Island FC is a charitable and educational organization formed to develop and promote physical and mental fitness, sportsmanship, skill development, citizenship, and teamwork for the boys and girls of our community under nineteen years of age through participation in the game of soccer.

Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteers for tryout and program events and management, help with outreach to new families.

Board Member Opportunity: Two year terms and Interest in or knowledge of youth sports, community service, marketing, accounting.




Organization Description: The Friends are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of volunteers who work to support the Mercer Island library.

Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteers are needed to help with four book sales each year. Help setting up (moving boxes, setting up tables, arranging books on tables), cashiers, and runners (help keep the tables neat and organized). Sales occur once per season and are held at the Mercer Island Library. Volunteers with online book sales experience would be helpful.

Board Member Opportunity: Board members serve two year terms and meet four times per year.



Organization Description: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Leadership Development for Mercer Island Girls, Grades K-12.

Membership Opportunity: Girls, grades K-12, may join an existing troop or form a new troop at any time. Membership is only $25 for the year.

Volunteer Opportunity: We'd love former Girl Scout leaders, teachers, or anyone who loves outdoor recreation or working with girls to become involved as a Troop Leader or Assistant Troop Leader. We also have many opportunities for those in the Mercer Island Community (other non-profits, civic/faith-based organizations, businesses, or individuals) to partner with Girl Scout Troops on philanthropy or other on-going mutually beneficial events and projects.

Board Opportunity: Board terms are 1-2 years. Experience in Girl Scouts, leading girls, outdoor recreation, and event planning are helpful. Troop Leaders meet monthly, Tuesday evenings, 7 pm. Leadership Team Positions include: Service Unit Manager or Co-Managers (2-year term) Treasurer (Service Unit Finances/Event/Encamporee Finances) Communications/Website/Email/Social Media/Blog Community Liaison (Membership/Recruitment with GSWW) Cookie/Fall Product Team Outdoor Champion (Service Unit Outdoor Activities) Camping Manager (Fall and Spring Service Unit Events) Philanthropy Lead (Service Unit Philanthropy, Santa Scouts) Event Manager (Recruit chairs for Service Unit Events) Lead Delegate for Annual Meeting.




Organization Description: Mercer Island Girls Lacrosse Club is a fully sanctioned Washington State lacrosse club. Our volunteer-based nonprofit organization is dedicated to promoting girls youth lacrosse in Mercer Island and surrounding communities. Our club focuses on the unique needs of girls lacrosse and their development. We strive to provide an environment that offers a positive sports experience to both the beginner and experienced lacrosse player.

Board Opportunity: Two year renewable terms, 6-8 board meetings per year, 2-hr duration. Additional time commitment varies by board position (i.e. registrar, fundraising, etc). Commitment to growing a program that reflects the diversity of thoughts, backgrounds, and experiences in the community. Curiosity to learn more, ability to accept and motivate others and an eagerness to participate and collaborate with other board members.




Organization Description: The Mercer Island High School PTSA’s mission is to enrich the lives of our students, parents, teachers and staff by empowering exceptional learning, supporting community wellness and celebrating every student’s potential. We achieve this by active collaboration, engagement and communication. MIHS PTSA is committed to advocate at the local, state and national level for the health, well-being, inclusion, and education of every child and we will work to influence and support institutional and systemic changes to ensure safety, equity, justice and respect of all students, staff and communities.

Membership Opportunity: All parents with children enrolled are invited to attend meetings and events regardless of membership status. Joining as a member is $30 per year.

Volunteer Opportunities: We have a variety of committees and events that need volunteers. Some of our biggest volunteer needs are for Teacher Appreciation events, Fine Arts Showcase and Reflections Art Contest. For a complete list see

Board Opportunity: One to two year terms. We look for a variety of skill sets such as organizational, communication technology, community involvement, event planning and accounting. We seek people with a diverse background and a wide range of connections in our community. Board members must be MIHS PTSA Members, pay their annual dues and adhere to the Washington State PTA ByLaws and MIHS PTSA Standing Rules. If membership fees are an obstacle to participation as a Board member, consideration is available based on individual circumstances. We meet once a month as a board and 3-4 times a year with the PTSA membership. Days and times are set at the beginning of each school year.


Website: Mercer Island High School PTSA – A resource for MIHS parents, students, teachers and staff (


Organization Description: The Mercer Island Historical Society was founded in 1954, six years before the city was incorporated and the roads were paved. The Mercer Island Historical Society is an organization of Mercer Island residents, past and present. The mission of the Historical Society is to collect, preserve, research and make available the heritage of Mercer Island.

Membership Opportunity: Membership is open for Mercer Island residents. Annual dues are $25 for an individual, $30 for a family, and $50 for a sustainer who wishes to make contributions above the dues amount. If dues are an obstacle, participation is possible based on individual circumstances.

Board Opportunity: Board members are asked to serve on at least one active committee. Committees include: oral history project; organizing and archiving records and collections and programs. Board meetings are held at 10 AM on the first Monday of each month. Time commitment varies depending on the committee but doesn't exceed ten hours/month. Desired skills include computer skills, fundraising, archivist, librarian experience.



Organization Description: MILEAP is a non-profit organization providing support and mentoring for first generation/low income high school students in our community or those with extenuating circumstances or other hardship to enhance their opportunity for a university level education.

Volunteer Opportunity: MILEAP combines mentorship and financial resources to support high school students. One of our goals is mentorship through community volunteers called Family Advocates who help the student and his/her family navigate the journey of launching into college. We are seeking volunteers to serve in the role of Family Advocate.




Organization Description: MIPC is an open and affirming church community. We gather to worship God, to grow as followers of Jesus, and to find encouragement as we live lives of service. While we want to build relationships with one another, we always want to be looking outside ourselves to see how we can be part of what God is doing in the world around us.

Membership Opportunity: Anyone may join MIPC at anytime. A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and grace and promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of Christ’s Church. Such involvement includes: proclaiming the good news in word and deed, taking part in the common life and worship of a congregation, lifting one another up in prayer, mutual concern, and active support, studying Scripture and the issues of Christian faith and life, supporting the ministry of the church through the giving of money, time, and talents, demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the church, responding to God’s activity in the world through service to others, living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, political, cultural, and social relationships of life, working in the world for peace, justice, freedom, and human fulfillment, caring for God’s creation.

Board Opportunity: Board terms are three years and open to members of MIPC who attend worship regularly, demonstrate a faith in God and serve in the community.




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Organization Description: Mission: The District will foster learning by engaging students in thinking critically, solving problems creatively, and working collaboratively. Vision: Inspiring our students to be lifelong learners as they create their futures. Values: Students are the priority. We believe in: Supporting the whole child, creating inclusive and equitable learning settings, ensuring our school communities are safe and supportive, providing rigorous and challenging learning.

Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteers provide a valuable service to our schools and the District appreciates the time, talent, commitment, and energy given by all volunteers. Learn more here:

Board Opportunity: Board members are elected by Mercer Island voters. Full description is available at




Organization Description: The Mercer Island Schools Band Boosters was formed to actively support, promote, and encourage the 5th Grade, IMS, MIHS, and Jazz band programs of the Mercer Island School District. We are you; band parents excited to give back to a program teaching our kids not only music, but invaluable life lessons.

Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer opportunities and information are available at

Board Opportunity: We meet once a month for 90 minutes with additional opportunities to volunteer throughout the school year. Board terms are three years.




Organization Description: The Mercer Island Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public service, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing and improving the quality of education provided to ALL Mercer Island School District students by obtaining contributions for the public schools.

Volunteer Opportunity: We always welcome volunteers to work at the All in For Kids Phon-A-Thon on one or both nights. We also welcome volunteers to serve as table captains and/or assist our procurement committee in supporting our Spring for Schools Showcase & Auction.

Board Opportunity: Board Members may serve up to two, 3-year consecutive terms. We welcome board members with a wide variety of skills and expertise. We seek board members who will be passionate, articulate, and effective champions for our mission through community outreach and advocacy ambassadorship. Board members attend monthly board meetings scheduled on the second Thursday of every month from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Every board member is expected to contribute energy and put forth an effort to achieve the mission of the M.I. Schools Foundation. We ask that each board member make a personal financial contribution according to their capacity to give. Board members support the Foundation's two fundraisers annually, All in For Kids Fall Phone-A-Thon and Spring for Schools Showcase & Auction. Board members call Friends of the Foundation before the Phone-A-Thon, make phone calls on both nights of the Phone-A-Thon (or the equivalent number of calls if done virtually.) In the spring, board members help identify business sponsors and table captains, attend, and fill a table with potential donors for our Spring for Schools Showcase & Auction. The Mercer Island Schools Foundation values diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Foundation seeks to maintain a Board comprised of talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of experience, skills, perspectives, and backgrounds collectively reflecting the community and strategic needs of the Foundation. .




Organization Description: We are a non-profit, community based organization promoting cultural, educational and other exchanges between Thonon-les-Bains, France, and Mercer Island. Founded in 2000, MISCA is part of an international effort to promote understanding and friendships between different countries. We organize high school and adult visits to Thonon, and receive visitors from Thonon to show them our region. We also host French art lectures, movies and other cultural and educational events.

Membership Opportunity: Membership in MISCA is open to all, and requires a membership fee. Information available at Membership Levels | Mercer Island Sister City Association

Volunteer Opportunity: We seek community volunteers when we have events, such as a visiting delegation from France, or a booth at a community fair.

Board Opportunity: MISCA seeks board members with a strong interest in French culture. Board members volunteer to maintain our website, communicate with members and the broader Mercer Island community, manage our finances, and help with organizing cultural exchanges and community events. The Board of Directors meets monthly, with meeting times and dates changing based on general directors' availability. Terms are two years and are renewable. Most Board members also volunteer on special projects that arise, or take ongoing responsibility for managing ongoing activities such as French language conversations.




Organization Description: Our mission is to promote and encourage artistic endeavors on Mercer Island and the surrounding area, to stimulate awareness and appreciation of the visual arts in our community, and to sponsor art exhibits, events and workshops. MIVAL supports the visual arts of its members and our community by creating connections between artists, providing Art education opportunities and sponsoring community Arts events, competitions and scholarships. MIVAL has been involved for more than 60 years nurturing our creative community by sponsoring Junior Art Show, High School Scholarships, Art Uncorked, Children and Adult art Classes, First Friday Art Walks, and the Holiday Art Show in the Community Center Gallery. MIVAL Gallery (between QFC and Baskin Robbins) displays members works for sale as well as sponsoring Art Shows drawing from Pacific Northwest artists and beyond.

Membership Opportunity: Members are encouraged. Dues are $30 per year and if this is an obstacle, participation is possible based on individual circumstances. Volunteers are needed to help with events such as Art Uncorked, Junior Art Show, Summer Music in the Park Art Activities, First Friday Art Walks, and sharing art skills with our members and community.

Board Opportunity: Board terms are minimum one year and we seek artist/members with interest in visual arts, community event organizing, website proficiency, and with connections to school arts programs. The Board meets monthly on the first Thursday at 10 AM except in summer and there is no financial commitment. The general member meeting and artist demonstrations are first Thursdays 11:30-1 pm.




Organization Description: The purpose of the MIWC is to encourage friendship among the women of Mercer Island and to introduce newcomers to our community. In small groups, we come together to enjoy common interests, while in larger groups, we gather at social events, promote community service, and raise funds for local charities.

Membership Opportunity: Mercer Island residents are eligible to join the MIWC at any time; the Women's Club offers events specifically for new members to learn more about the Club and meet other new members. Dues are $30 per year.

Volunteer Opportunities: We have a variety of committees and events that need volunteers. Volunteers can give a helpful hand for a one-time event, or be in charge of an ongoing project. Being a 100% volunteer organization, we greatly appreciate all forms of assistance from our members.

Board Opportunity: Board terms are a minimum of 1 year, ideally 2 years, officially beginning in May or June. Board positions have specific responsibilities and are typically co-chaired to train the incoming board member. Skills required depend on the specific board position. Monthly board meetings run from August or September until May, at a time deemed best by participants. We try to have all VP positions, and some general board positions, run by teams of 2 people, making the job easier, more fun, and to ease the transition of responsibilities year-to-year. Although ideal to have all board members present at meetings, only one team member needs to attend, and some positions don't warrant a need to be present at most meetings. That said, all board members and Club members are welcome to attend board meetings. There is no financial commitment aside from being a MIWC member.


Website: Mercer Island Women's Club | Friendships Start Here (


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Organization Description: We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supporting organization. We raise funds to support the City Department of Mercer Island Youth & Family Services so they can provide quality services to all Islanders.

Volunteer Opportunities: Most of our Board subcommittees thrive on the addition of community volunteers. You may apply to join any of our five subcommittees Breakfast subcommittee, Tree Lot subcommittee, Outreach subcommittee, Strategic Marketing subcommittee or Major Donor subcommittee. We also have episodic volunteer opportunities - for instance, to help set up our breakfast event (when held in person), or to help staff our Christmas tree lot, Pumpkin Walk event or other awareness raising events.

Board Opportunity: Board members serve an initial 3 year term, renewable for one additional consecutive three year term if desired. We are particularly in need of board members with expertise in marketing and communications and a finance/accounting background. We try to compile a board that is representative of our community - by age, gender, ethnicity, national origin, and involved in community sectors such as local businesses, schools, faith communities. We are particularly desirous of community members with ties to residents on the island who may not be aware of the services that the MIYFS Department has to offer. Board members attend a 90 minute monthly Board meeting (typically 7:30am on the 3rd Wednesday of each month), and are required to join at least one Board committee or subcommittee, which usually involve an additional one or more meetings per month (some committee work is compressed in a small seasonal time frame, such as planning for the tree lot, and others meet once a month year round, at times set to accommodate committee members). Each Board member is asked to make the MIYFS Foundation one of its three top charitable giving targets for the year - we do not specify a minimum amount. Each Board member is asked to secure 10 guests to attend our signature fundraising breakfast event. We are a fundraising board - we do not superintend the MIYFS Department in any way. If you think you aren't comfortable with fundraising, please know that we have a great team to guide you in gaining this skill. Often, it is no more than learning about the great work MIYFS does and spreading word of its benefits to those in your network and inviting them to events presented by the Foundation. We have an Executive Director who is responsible for making financial asks - your role as Board members is to educate new community members about MIYFS to become inspired to give and help to appreciate and retain our loyal donors.




Organization Description: Parent Edge is an organization within the Mercer Island PTA Council. Parent Edge strives to facilitate conversations within and among families, schools and the greater community. To support that goal, we sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics. We partner with a variety of organizations who share our mission. We strive to be timely, thought-provoking and practical. We believe that active, informed parenting and teaching cultivates healthy children, healthy families and healthy communities.

Board Opportunity: Two year terms of service. Parent Edge is seeking board members who represent a variety of perspectives and are parents of children of all ages (infant - adult). As an organization within the Mercer Island PTA Council, members must be a paid member of one of the local PTA units or MIPA. Members must have an interest in parenting topics (such as education, social/ emotional wellness, behavioral issues, etc.). Specific roles would benefit from event planning knowledge. Board member responsibilities include attending Executive Board meetings (monthly), attending Parent Edge Input Committee meetings (3 times per year), assisting with in-person and virtual events and other duties specific to the Executive Board role (see website for more information). There is no financial commitment for board members, other than securing membership to a local PTA unit or MIPA.


Website: Mercer Island Parent Edge – Bringing Ideas & Insights to Empower Parents, Students, Teachers & Staff (


Organization Description: Our mission is to foster the mother-daughter relationship through an ongoing commitment to philanthropy, culture and leadership. Our organization is open to mothers and daughters resident on Mercer Island, where the daughter is in grade 7 - 12.

Membership Opportunity: 6th grade girls are encouraged to apply, with membership beginning in 7th grade. Applicants must reside in Mercer Island. Our membership drive typically begins in early November. Prospective Members must be sponsored by a current member of our chapter. Please note that if you do not know any current members, reach out to us via our email address and we can put you in touch with one of our current members to learn more about our organization.

Board Opportunity: Our board positions are open to active members of our chapter. Board terms are two years and we meet once a month. We require board members with a wide range of skills, including budgeting/bookkeeping skills, organizational skills, mentoring/teaching skills to girls age 13-18, community outreach skills, marketing skills, record-keeping skills, knowledge of laws impacting non-profits and general leadership skills.


Website: Index Evergreen - National Charity League, Inc.


Organization Description:The Northwood PTA strives to foster a safe, caring learning environment that embraces all cultures, addresses students’ social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs, and provides educational opportunities that will help students reach their academic and creative potential. To accomplish our mission, Northwood PTA will: Develop and foster educational enrichment programs that enhance the curriculum; Assist families by offering resources and opportunities to discuss important issues affecting the school and our children; Build a close community by hosting events and programs that bring families and staff together; Provide and encourage volunteer opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom to support our students and school staff; Develop student programs to encourage leadership and team building; Create awareness of legislative issues regarding children and education, supporting legislative efforts, speaking on behalf of children before governmental agencies and other key organizations, and providing a forum for members to contribute to policy development; and Raise funds for learning support, curriculum, teacher support, and all above-said PTA programs.

Membership Opportunity: All parents with children enrolled are invited to attend meetings and events regardless of membership status. Joining as a member is $30 per year.

Volunteer Opportunities: PTA is always looking for: event and program chairs, room parents, and day-of event support.

Board Opportunity: Board terms are one year for elected roles, open ended for appointed positions. Board members should have a passion for engaging our school community and enthusiasm for volunteerism. Board meetings occur monthly; general member meetings occur once per quarter. Responsibilities and time commitment are dependent on each specific volunteer role which vary widely. If membership fees are an obstacle to participation as a Board member, consideration is available based on individual circumstances.


Website: Northwood Elementary PTA - Home (


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Organization Description: Our mission is to raise funds for Seattle Children's Hospital's "Uncompensated Care" Fund and Pediatric Medical Research, so that no child is refused medical care. Funds are raised through the yearly publication of the Mercer Island Directory:

Membership and Volunteer Opportunity: Part of our work is talking to our businesses about ads in the Directory as well as encouraging our Mercer Island residents to be included in the most current Directory. In the fall we talk with local businesses about advertising in the upcoming edition; meeting together for proofreading in the Winter months and mailing in March. This organization is the perfect way to meet new people, learn the city and get involved in a great project. You are welcome to join us at any time. We especially need people who are comfortable with a computer. We use Word, Excel and Quickbooks for our work. Fees to join Seattle Children’s Guild are $25 for one person, or $10 for senior citizens.

Board Member Opportunity: No term limits. Board commitment is one Friday Board meeting for Board members and one Friday General meeting each month.




Organization Description: Since our founding in 1967, the Stroum Jewish Community Center of Greater Seattle has been a place where friendships form, traditions thrive, and community strengthens. From babies to Bubbies, we offer values-based programs that nurture a sense of belonging for people of all ages. At the J, EVERYONE is welcome! We aspire to be a beacon of LIGHT in our community; Linked to those who have come before and those who will follow, we Inquire with curiosity and struggle in the pursuit of understanding; with Gratitude for life’s greatness and joy, we live with Hope for a better tomorrow and practice Tikkun Olam, our obligation to make the world a better place.

Membership Opportunity: Everyone is welcome to become a member at the Stroum Jewish Community Center. Members receive full access to our facilities, including our aquatics program, work-out room and group fitness classes. We have the largest fitness center on Mercer Island. Members also receive discounts on SJCC programs including swim lessons, J Camp, Arts + Ideas programs and more. To see our current pricing or to become a member, please visit:

Volunteer Opportunity: We have programs, classes and activities for every age and stage of persons on Mercer Island. Our Arts + Ideas program has many volunteer opportunities as well, from screening films for our film festival to being an usher for a program, we're always looking for people to help. Reach out to for more information.

Board Opportunity: The SJCC Board of Directors is seeking people eager to get intentionally engaged at the J and on the J’s behalf—to be well-versed in the J’s mission, programs, and pursuits, and to become advocates and ambassadors in the community. Board terms are three years. Our Board meets about nine times/year for 2 hours/meeting. Meetings are usually held on a Monday or Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:30 pm. All board members are asked to participate in other ways -- task forces, committees, or by providing specific advisory services or resources for SJCC staff.




Organization Description: Committed to inclusion for all, Friendship Circle of Washington leverages the positive impact of friendship, understanding, and shared experience to transform the lives of children and teens with special needs and typically developing teens. We help create friendships that make a difference today and last a lifetime. We empower children and teens with special needs, helping them develop the skills they need to live as productive and independent adult life as possible. We empower our teen volunteers, helping them develop the confidence, self-esteem, and skills they need to become the leaders of tomorrow. We nurture community, working to ensure that inclusion and diversity are the norm, not the exception and that every individual has the opportunity to participate and succeed.

Volunteer Opportunity: The Friendship Circle helps build a community of compassionate young leaders. Through many volunteer opportunities, training events, volunteer-only educational activities and more, teens develop important leadership and life skills. Teens also learn the importance of giving and being accepting of others. Working with children with special needs transforms teens into more caring, sensitive people who have a more concrete sense of identity. The experiences they share with the children help teens develop a communal sense of responsibility and teach them to embrace every individual with love and acceptance.

Board Opportunity: Two year term limits. Seeking people with stakeholder connections, community building, networking, fundraising, leadership.Quarterly meetings, 2 hours each meeting, various follow ups throughout the year, financial commitment depends on individual's ability


Website: The Friendship Circle of Washington (


Organization Description:The PTSA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. We believe that together, we can achieve this mission. WMPTSA was organized to promote the welfare of youth in home, school, community, and place of worship to raise the standards of home life, to secure adequate laws or the care and protection of youth, to bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of students, to develop between educators and the general public such unified efforts as well as secure for all youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education, to receive gifts, endowments, devises and bequests which will be used to carry out the purposes and objectives of this corporation, and to carry on any activities necessary to carry out the objectives and purposes of this organization.

Membership Opportunity: All parents with children enrolled are invited to attend meetings and events regardless of membership status. Joining as a member is between $16-40 per year.

Volunteer Opportunity: Over 40 volunteer positions that range from academic to art enrichment to school wide events.

Board Opportunity: One year term. We are seeking leadership roles on our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets monthly for two hours. We have volunteer and leadership positions that fit every skill and time commitment. If membership fees are an obstacle to participation as a Board member, consideration is available based on individual circumstances.


Website: West Mercer Elementary PTSA - Welcome - Home Page2 (


Organization Description: Youth Theatre Northwest nurtures the intellectual, artistic, and personal development of children and youth through drama education, performing opportunities, and live theatre experiences.

Volunteer Opportunity: We always need volunteers to help run our box office before shows, distribute show posters to local businesses, and help out at camp fairs

Board Opportunity: One year term of service. An interest in theatre and creative education is a must! Beyond that, connections to the community and local businesses are always welcome. Board members participate in monthly board meetings, annual dues, and assistance and attendance of fundraiser events.

