Jackie Brown
Board President, Grants Committee, Nominating Committee, Leadership Team - WeLoveMI COVID-19 Relief Campaign
Jackie and his wife, Alesia Pinney, have lived on Mercer Island for over 20 years and raised two children who have attended Mercer Island public school. Early on, Jackie stepped out of the workforce to become a stay-at-home dad for his daughter and son. Jackie has been actively involved in Mercer Island schools, including serving on various school district committees, numerous leadership positions in PTA and as a board member of the Mercer Island Schools Foundation. He has also served in various other community organizations, including Communities that Care, the Healthy Youth Initiative, Mercer Island FC and the Committee for Mercer Island Public Schools. Jackie coached his son’s little league for three years, including through one epic comeback to witn the Mercer Island championship (Go White Sox!). Jackie graduated with a B.S. from the University of Arkansas (Go Razorbacks!) and a J.D. from the University of Chicago (Go Maroons!). Jackine and Alesia feel very blessed to live in this special community.